The letter “n” is one of the most common letters in the English alphabet. It is found in many everyday words and can be encountered in various contexts. In this article, we will look at in Spanish words that start with n. We will also see some examples of how these words are used in sentences.
FREQUENT Spanish words that start with N
- nube – cloud
- nueva – new
- número – number
- nombre – name
- nación – nation
- noche – night
- niño – child
- nivel – level
La nube cubría el cielo gris.
The cloud covered the gray sky.
Compré una camiseta nueva ayer.
I bought a new T-shirt yesterday.
Anota mi número de teléfono, por favor.
Write down my phone number, please.
Mi nombre es María.
My name is Maria.
La nación celebró su independencia.
The nation celebrated its independence.
Disfrutamos de una cena romántica anoche.
We enjoyed a romantic dinner last night.
El parque está lleno de niños jugando.
The park is full of children playing.
Avanzamos al siguiente nivel del juego.
We advanced to the next level of the game.
Spanish words that begin with n of normal frequency.
- nave – ship
- novio – boyfriend
- noticia – news
- naturaleza – nature
- negro – black
- nadar – swim
- naranja – orange
- norte – north
Sentences with Spanish words that start with n:
La nave espacial viajó más allá de las estrellas.
The spaceship traveled beyond the stars.
Mi novio me regaló flores por nuestro aniversario.
My boyfriend gave me flowers for our anniversary.
Las noticias de última hora están en todos los periódicos.
Breaking news is in all the newspapers.
La belleza de la naturaleza es asombrosa.
The beauty of nature is astonishing.
El vestido elegante era de color negro.
The elegant dress was black.
Aprender a nadar es una habilidad importante.
Learning to swim is an important skill.
La naranja es una fruta jugosa y deliciosa.
The orange is a juicy and delicious fruit.
El norte siempre se representa en los mapas.
North is always represented on maps.
less common Spanish words that start with n
- nefando – unspeakable
- nefelibata – cloudwalker
- nefario – nefarious
- níspero – loquat
- nocivo – harmful
- nefelomanía – cloud mania
- nacarado – pearly
- nefelíbata – unworldly person
El crimen cometido era tan nefando que nadie se atrevía a mencionarlo.
The committed crime was so unspeakable that no one dared to mention it.
Con su cabeza en las nubes, siempre fue un nefelibata soñador.
With his head in the clouds, he was always a dreamy cloudwalker.
El plan malévolo del villano era tan nefario que aterrorizaba a todos.
The villain’s malevolent plan was so nefarious that it terrified everyone.
En el jardín, crece un árbol frutal que da deliciosos nísperos en primavera.
In the garden, a fruit tree grows that bears delicious loquats in spring.
Fumar es nocivo para la salud y puede causar graves enfermedades.
Smoking is harmful to health and can cause serious illnesses.
Su obsesión por las nubes llegó al extremo de la nefelomanía, coleccionando fotos y dibujos de ellas.
His obsession with clouds reached the point of cloud mania, collecting photos and drawings of them. La concha de este molusco tiene un brillo nacarado muy hermoso.
The shell of this mollusk has a beautiful pearly sheen.
Siempre perdido en sus pensamientos, era considerado un nefelíbata por sus amigos.
Always lost in his thoughts, he was considered an unworldly person by his friends.
Recall, these words are used in specific contexts, and you may encounter them in scientific, medical, or specialized literature rather than in everyday conversation.
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Some examples of Spanish words that start with n:
Here, we provide words that start with n, categorized into nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Although Spanish words beginning with n are rare, they encompass a diverse range of meanings.
Spanish nouns that start with n
Objetos: nave, nuez, narguile Animales: nutria, nécora, narval Alimento: nabo, nuez, níspero Nombres: nicolás, natalia, noelia
Spanish verbs that start with n
Notar (to notice) Nadar (to swim) Navegar (to navigate) Nombrar (to name) Narrar (to narrate)
Spanish adjectives that start with x
Neurótico/a (neurotic) Narcisista (narcissistic) Nefasto/a (nefarious) Nublado/a (cloudy) Novelesco/a (novelistic)
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