The letter k is one of the least used in Spanish. In fact, there are only about 100 words in Spanish that start with this letter. Here are some examples of Spanish words that start with k.
Most of these words are of foreign origin, such as karate, kimono, or kiwi. Others are borrowed from indigenous American languages, like kenia or kakáo. There are also some words of Greek or Arabic origin, such as karma or kafkiano.
High Frequency Spanish words that start with k
- kilo – kilogram
- kilómetro – kilometer
- karaoke – karaoke
- kiosco – kiosk
- kiwi – kiwi
- karma – karma
- karate – karate
- kilovatio – kilowatt
1 kilo de manzanas.
1 kilogram of apples.
Vivo a 2 kilómetros de la escuela.
I live 2 kilometers from the school.
Vamos a cantar karaoke.
Let’s go sing karaoke.
Compré un periódico en el kiosco.
I bought a newspaper at the kiosk.
Me encanta comer kiwi.
I love to eat kiwi.
Creo en el karma, creo que todo lo que haces vuelve.
I believe in karma; I believe that everything you do comes back.
Mi hermano practica karate.
My brother practices karate.
La potencia del motor es de 5 kilovatios.
The power of the engine is 5 kilowatts.
Medium Frequency words in spanish that start with k
- koala – koala
- kinesiología – kinesiology
- kilometraje – mileage
- kilocaloría – kilocalorie
El koala es un animal adorable.
The koala is an adorable animal.
La kinesiología es una ciencia que estudia el movimiento del cuerpo.
Kinesiology is a science that studies the movement of the body.
El kilometraje de mi carro es alto.
The mileage of my car is high.
Una manzana tiene alrededor de 80 kilocalorías.
An apple has about 80 kilocalories.
Low Frequency WORDS
- kebab – kebab
- kilohertz – kilohertz
- karatégui – karate uniform
- kakofonía – cacophony
- kimchi – kimchi
Comimos un kebab para cenar.
We had a kebab for dinner.
La frecuencia de la radio es de 100 kilohertz.
The frequency of the radio is 100 kilohertz.
El karateca llevaba un karatégui blanco.
The karateka wore a white karate uniform.
La música del vecino es una kakofonía.
The neighbor’s music is a cacophony.
Me encanta el kimchi.
I love kimchi.
These words are less common, but they are also part of the Spanish vocabulary.
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Some examples of Spanish words that start with k:
Here, we present you Spanish words that start with a k divided into categories: nouns and verbs. Spanish words that start with k are uncommon, but they cover a wide range of meanings.
Spanish nouns that start with k
Kilo (kilogram) Kiwi (kiwi fruit) Kimono (kimono) Kiosco (newsstand) Koala (koala) Karate (karate) Karateka (karate practitioner) Karma (karma) Keratina (keratin) Kermés (church fair)
Spanish verbs that start with k
Karaokear (to karaoke) Karatear (to practice karate)
Persist in your study of Spanish; each learned word is a step closer to fluency. Patience and dedication will lead you to conquer new linguistic horizons. Cheer up, the journey of learning is as valuable as the goal achieved!