The letter j is one of the most interesting. It is a rare letter, appearing in only about 1% of Spanish words, but it is still a valuable part of the language. This article provides a comprehensive list of Spanish words that start with j, including their meanings and sentences.
FREQUENT Spanish words that start with j
- joven – young
- jugar – to play
- jardín – garden
- jefe – boss
- juego – game
- jirafa – giraffe
- jamón – ham
- juez – judge
Ella es una talentosa artista joven.
She is a talented young artist.
Nos gusta jugar juegos de mesa los fines de semana.
We like to play board games on weekends.
Pasé la tarde leyendo un libro en el jardín.
I spent the afternoon reading a book in the garden.
Mi jefe siempre está ocupado, pero es un buen líder.
My boss is always busy, but he’s a good leader.
Juguemos una partida de ajedrez después de la cena.
Let’s play a game of chess after dinner.
La jirafa en el zoológico tiene un cuello largo.
The giraffe at the zoo has a long neck.
Me gusta mi sándwich con queso y jamón.
I like my sandwich with cheese and ham.
El juez escuchó cuidadosamente ambos lados del argumento.
The judge carefully listened to both sides of the argument.
Often-used Spanish words that start with j
- justo – fair/just
- joven – young
- jamás – never
- juntos – together
- jornada – workday
- joyas – jewelry
- jubilado – retired
- julio – july
Sentences with Spanish words that start with j:
El juicio fue justo y equitativo.
The trial was fair and just.
Los jóvenes disfrutan de la música moderna.
Young people enjoy modern music.
Jamás olvidaré ese momento especial.
I will never forget that special moment.
Pasemos el día juntos explorando la ciudad.
Let’s spend the day together exploring the city.
La jornada laboral suele ser de ocho horas.
The workday is usually eight hours long.
Las joyas que llevaba eran impresionantes.
The jewelry she was wearing was stunning.
Después de muchos años de trabajo, por fin estoy jubilado.
After many years of work, I am finally retired.
Mi cumpleaños es en julio.
My birthday is in July.
less common WORDS
- jadeante – breathless
- jinete – rider
- jalón – pull
- jinjo – nausea
- juicio – trial
- jerarquizar – to prioritize
- jerga – slang
Después de correr, estaba jadeante y agotado.
After running, I was breathless and exhausted.
El jinete controlaba elegantemente el caballo durante la competición.
The rider skillfully controlled the horse during the competition.
Dieron un fuerte jalón para abrir la puerta.
They gave a strong pull to open the door.
Después de montar en la montaña rusa, tuve un fuerte jinjo.
After riding the roller coaster, I experienced strong nausea.
El juicio del acusado comenzará la próxima semana.
The trial of the accused will start next week.
Es importante jerarquizar las tareas para ser más eficientes.
It’s important to prioritize tasks to be more efficient.
Aprendí algunas palabras en jerga mientras vivía en ese país.
I learned some slang words while living in that country.
These are just a few examples, and there are many other less common words with j waiting to be discovered! Exploring less common words can add depth and richness to your vocabulary and writing.
Remember, the less common designation is relative. Some of these words might be more familiar in specific contexts or communities.
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Some examples of words in Spanish that start with j:
In this selection, we’ll explore Spanish words that start with j across various grammatical categories.
From nouns representing tangible objects to adjectives describing qualities, adverbs adding nuance, and verbs capturing actions, here’s a diverse list to enrich your understanding of the Spanish language.
Spanish nouns that start with j
Jardín (garden) Joya (jewel) Jirafa (giraffe) Juego (game) Jornada (workday)
Spanish verbs that start with j
Jugar (to play) Jubilarse (to retire) Juzgar (to judge) Jactarse (to boast) Jalar (to pull)
Spanish adjectives that start with j
Joven (young) Jubilado/a (retired) Justo/a (just, fair) Juguetón/a (playful) Jugoso/a (juicy)
Spanish adverbs that start with j
Juntos/as (together) Justamente (justly, exactly) Jamás (never) Jocosamente (jocosely, in a joking manner) Juiciosamente (wisely)
This collection reflects the versatility of the Spanish language, where each word serves a unique purpose, contributing to the depth and richness of expression.
Every step you take brings you closer to not just mastering a language, but embracing a new way of thinking and expressing yourself. ¡Vamos, tú puedes lograrlo! (Let’s go, you can do it!)