Spanish words that start with c

In this article, we explain the meaning of spanish words that start with c. Furthermore, we provide examples of how these words are used in sentences. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to use the words correctly in your conversations and writings.

words in spanish that start with c very frequent

  1. casa – house
  2. comer – eat
  3. ciudad – city
  4. coche – car
  5. cielo – sky
  6. calle – street
  7. cuerpo – body
  8. cuchillo – knife

Sentences with Spanish words that start with c:

La casa tiene un jardín hermoso.
The house has a beautiful garden.
Comer vegetales es saludable.
Eating vegetables is healthy.
La ciudad es famosa por su arquitectura.
The city is famous for its architecture.
Mi coche necesita una revisión.
My car needs a check-up.
El cielo está despejado hoy.
The sky is clear today.
Caminamos por la calle principal.
We walked down the main street.
El cuerpo humano es asombroso.
The human body is amazing.
Usa el cuchillo para cortar las verduras.
Use the knife to chop the vegetables.

frequent words that start with c in spanish

  1. canción – song
  2. café – coffee
  3. clase – class
  4. chico – boy
  5. cama – bed
  6. color – color
  7. carta – letter
  8. círculo – circle


Me encanta escuchar una buena canción.
I love listening to a good song.
Por la mañana, siempre tomo una taza de café.
In the morning, I always have a cup of coffee.
La clase de matemáticas es desafiante.
The math class is challenging.
El chico juega en el parque todos los días.
The boy plays in the park every day.
La cama es muy cómoda para dormir.
The bed is very comfortable for sleeping.
¿Cuál es tu color favorito?
What is your favorite color?
Escribí una carta a mi amigo.
I wrote a letter to my friend.
Dibuja un círculo en el papel.
Draw a circle on the paper.

These are Spanish words that start with c of normal frequency

  1. cautín – soldering iron
  2. cimborrio – dome
  3. cingales – sinhalese
  4. cremallera – zipper
  5. cacahuate – peanut
  6. coyuntura – joint
  7. cimbel – cymbal
  8. cencerro – cowbell

Sentences with Spanish words that start with c:

Utilizo un cautín para hacer conexiones eléctricas.
I use a soldering iron to make electrical connections.
El cimborrio de la catedral es impresionante.
The dome of the cathedral is impressive.
En Sri Lanka, la mayoría de las personas hablan cingalés.
In Sri Lanka, the majority of people speak Sinhalese.
La cremallera de mi chaqueta está rota.
The zipper on my jacket is broken.
Me encanta comer cacahuate mientras veo una película.
I love eating peanuts while watching a movie.
La coyuntura entre los huesos permite el movimiento.
The joint between the bones allows movement.
El músico tocaba un cimbel durante la actuación.
The musician played a cymbal during the performance.
El cencerro en el cuello de la vaca tintinea suavemente.
The cowbell on the cow’s neck jingles softly.

Recall, these words are used in specific contexts, and you may encounter them in scientific, medical, or specialized literature rather than in everyday conversation.

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Some examples of spanish words that start with the letter c

In the text we have Spanish words that start with c, classified into nouns, verbs and adjectives. Although Spanish words that begin with c are rare, they cover a wide range of meanings.

Spanish nouns that start with c

Objetos: cámara, caja, candado
Animales: canguro, ciervo, camello
Alimento: cereal, chocolate, ciruela
Nombres: Carla, Carlos, Cristina

Spanish verbs that start with c

Cantar (to sing)
Correr (to run)
Cocinar (to cook)
Cosechar (to harvest)
Conectar (to connect)

Spanish adjectives that start with c

Cálido (warm)
Calmo (calm)
Cauteloso (cautious)
Curioso (curious)
Ciego (blind)

Persist in your Spanish endeavors; every word mastered is a stride toward fluency. Patience and devotion will guide you through uncharted linguistic territories. Stay uplifted; the learning expedition is as precious as the accomplished objective!

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