Do you want to enhance your English vocabulary? In this article, you’ll find a comprehensive list of spanish words that start with b. This compilation includes words from all categories, ranging from nouns and verbs to adjectives and adverbs. With this list, you can expand your vocabulary and enhance your English fluency.
Very FREQUENT Spanish words that start with B
- bueno – good
- bello – beautiful
- banco – bank
- boca – mouth
- blanco – white
- brazo – arm
- búsqueda – search
- botón – button
Sentences with Spanish words that start with b:
El día está muy bueno para salir a pasear.
The day is very good for going out for a walk.
El atardecer en la playa es bello.
The sunset at the beach is beautiful.
Necesito ir al banco para hacer un depósito.
I need to go to the bank to make a deposit.
Me duele la boca después de ir al dentista.
My mouth hurts after going to the dentist.
El vestido de novia es blanco.
The wedding dress is white.
Levanta el brazo para responder a la pregunta.
Raise your arm to answer the question.
Realicé una búsqueda en internet para encontrar información.
I conducted a search on the internet to find information.
Presiona el botón para encender la luz.
Press the button to turn on the light.
frequent words that start with b in spanish
- bicicleta – bicycle
- baño – bathroom
- búsqueda – search
- botella – bottle
- boda – wedding
- bolsa – bag
- botón – button
- barco – boat
Me encanta pasear en mi bicicleta por el parque.
I love riding my bicycle in the park.
Necesito ir al baño antes de salir.
I need to go to the bathroom before we leave.
Realicé una búsqueda exhaustiva en internet.
I conducted a thorough search on the internet.
Por favor, pasa la botella de agua.
Please pass the water bottle.
La boda de mis amigos fue increíble.
My friends’ wedding was amazing.
Lleva tu billetera en la bolsa para estar segura.
Carry your wallet in the bag to be safe.
Presiona el botón para encender la luz.
Press the button to turn on the light.
Disfrutamos de un día soleado en el barco.
We enjoyed a sunny day on the boat.
Spanish words that start with b of normal frequency
- búcaro – water jug
- biónica – bionic
- biombo – folding screen
- boga – freshwater fish
- buhonero – street vendor
- borceguí – high boot
- bolígrafo – ballpoint pen
- bráctea – bract
En la mesa, había un búcaro lleno de agua fresca.
On the table, there was a water jug filled with fresh water.
La biónica es una rama de la ciencia que combina biología y tecnología.
Bionics is a branch of science that combines biology and technology.
El biombo en la sala de estar añade un toque decorativo.
The folding screen in the living room adds a decorative touch.
El boga es un pez de agua dulce que se encuentra en ríos y lagos.
The boga is a freshwater fish found in rivers and lakes.
El buhonero vendía artículos diversos en la calle.
The street vendor sold various items on the street.
Me puse unos borceguíes altos para la excursión.
I wore high boots for the hike.
Siempre llevo un bolígrafo en mi bolso para tomar notas.
I always carry a ballpoint pen in my bag to take notes.
Las brácteas son hojas modificadas cerca de una flor.
Bracts are modified leaves near a flower.
Take note that these terms are employed in particular contexts, and you might encounter them in scientific, medical, or specialized literature rather than in everyday dialogue.
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Some examples of words in spanish that start with b:
Within the text, you’ll find Spanish words that start with b, categorized as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Despite the infrequency of Spanish words starting with ‘b’, they encompass a diverse array of meanings.
Spanish nouns that start with b
Objetos: bolígrafo, botella, bombilla Animales: búho, burro, buitre Alimento: banana, brócoli, berenjena Nombres: Beatriz, Bruno, Belén
Spanish verbs that start with b
Bailar (to dance) Buscar (to search) Bromear (to joke) Burlar (to mock) Beneficiar (to benefit)
Spanish adjectives that start with b
Brillante (bright) Bello (beautiful) Basto (coarse) Breve (brief) Bizarro (bizarre)
Imagine the day when you can express yourself confidently in Spanish. That day is getting closer with every word you learn.